Thursday 3 March 2011

Today's Colour Theory Mini Test

Here are the questions and answers for today's mini test.

1. How do you make a shade of a colour?
By adding black or gray to the colour

2. Name a TERTIARY colour which contrasts with red
Yellow-Green or Blue-Green

3. Why would you use purple for a new box of chocolates?
Because it is a rich, luxurious colour and so people will associate it with luxury

4. State two advancing colours
From this list: red, orange, red-orange, yellow-orange, red-purple

5. Why would you use green for a garden centre sign?
Associated with nature, outdoors

6. What colour would you use for the new showers in the PE block?
Would accept white or blue.  Fresh, clean colours.

We will do more mini tests like this one to prepare for the colour theory NAB which I propose we sit in a few weeks time before Easter.

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