Wednesday 16 March 2011

Today's Colour Mini Test

Today was the last day before the NAB.  The layout of today's mini test was just like the NAB: 15 minutes for 9 marks, you must get 6 out of 9 to pass.

1. State 3 cold colours
Blue, Blue-Green, Green, Blue-Violet(purple) Purple

2. State a tertiary colour which contrasts with blue
Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange

3. Add the missing info

Colours                   Situations                       Reason for Choice
yellow             A Child's pay pen              Cheerful, Bright Happy
(or orange)

Red                 Packaging for a                 Associated with danger, bright

                       Hazardous substance 

Green            New biodegradable             Natural, fresh
                      Stationary line                    Environmental

4. What effect would using a black and white colour scheme create?
Sophisticated, Contrasting, Elegant, Dramatic, Stylish

5. What effect would using advancing colours in a colour scheme create?
That the object was closer to you (and therefore a room would look smaller) Warmth

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