Tuesday 8 March 2011

Mini Test 7/3/11

Here are the answers from yesterday's mini test

1. How do you make a tint of a colour?
      Add white to the colour
2. The walls of a toy store are blue.
a) What colour should the floor be to harmonise with the walls?
       Green or Violet/Purple

b) What colour should the counter be to contrast with the walls and the floor?
       Orange (accept red if green was answered above - not if violet/purple was answered)

3. What colour would you choose for a care taker's new uniform?
      Brown - reliable, safe, natural, good
4. What colour would you choose for a sign telling people to wear safety goggles?
      Blue - it is a mandatory sign
5. Why would a tourist operator use yellow in their publications and logo?
      Because it is a sunny, happy colour

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