Thursday 17 March 2011

NEW feature! Reactions!

I have added some "reactions" to the blog.  This allows you to quickly comment on how much you understand something.  Please use this so that I can gauge how much people understand, and which areas I need to go over more.

You don't have to comment, and it's anonymous so please give me this feedback so that I can tailor my teaching to help you.  If you would like me to go over something individually then leave a comment and I'll catch up with you :)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Today's Colour Mini Test

Today was the last day before the NAB.  The layout of today's mini test was just like the NAB: 15 minutes for 9 marks, you must get 6 out of 9 to pass.

1. State 3 cold colours
Blue, Blue-Green, Green, Blue-Violet(purple) Purple

2. State a tertiary colour which contrasts with blue
Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange

3. Add the missing info

Colours                   Situations                       Reason for Choice
yellow             A Child's pay pen              Cheerful, Bright Happy
(or orange)

Red                 Packaging for a                 Associated with danger, bright

                       Hazardous substance 

Green            New biodegradable             Natural, fresh
                      Stationary line                    Environmental

4. What effect would using a black and white colour scheme create?
Sophisticated, Contrasting, Elegant, Dramatic, Stylish

5. What effect would using advancing colours in a colour scheme create?
That the object was closer to you (and therefore a room would look smaller) Warmth

Monday 14 March 2011

Today's Colour Mini Test

Here are the answers to today's colour mini test:

1. State a primary colour which harmonises with green
Blue or Yellow
2. Define what we mean by a primary colour
A colour from which all other colours are made / It cannot be made by mixing other colours.
3. Suggest a colour theme for a new Chinese restaurant
Red and Gold - common Chinese colours as red is a lucky colour
4. What colour(s) would you use to alert people to a hazard?
Yellow and black

5. What colour would you use for a safety sign?
Green - First Aid signs, Fire Exit sign
6. What emotions does blue create?
Cool, Elegant, Sophisticated, Heavenly, Formal, Classy


Colour Theory NAB - 18/3/11
Use your can do list from the Manual Presentation/Colour Theory pack to help you revise.  You must know:
  • Different types of colour - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary (and knowledge of the colour wheel)
  • Feelings/emotions/effects that colours create
    • Warm/cold
    • Advancing/receding
    • Different emotions and why you would choose a specific colour
  • Harmony and Contrast
  • Tint, Shade and Tone
  •  Using colours as symbols
Homework Pictorial 6 (Isometric) - 23/3
Homework Pictorial 7 (Planometric) - 29/3

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Today's Mini Test

Here are the answers to today's mini test:

1.What colour(s) would you use for a box of chocolates coming out at Christmas?
Red and Green - they are associated with Christmas
2. Why would you use orange for a new cafe?
It's happy, inviting and full of flavour.

3. What colour would you choose for a doctor's waiting room?  Why?
Green - Restful and soothing
White - Clean
(light) Blue - Fresh, calming

4. What is the tone of a colour?
How strong or weak it is - you render using a tonal scale.  Nothing is added to the colour.
5. State two receding colours.
Blue, green, violet
6. State a SECONDARY colour which contrasts with yellow.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Mini Test 7/3/11

Here are the answers from yesterday's mini test

1. How do you make a tint of a colour?
      Add white to the colour
2. The walls of a toy store are blue.
a) What colour should the floor be to harmonise with the walls?
       Green or Violet/Purple

b) What colour should the counter be to contrast with the walls and the floor?
       Orange (accept red if green was answered above - not if violet/purple was answered)

3. What colour would you choose for a care taker's new uniform?
      Brown - reliable, safe, natural, good
4. What colour would you choose for a sign telling people to wear safety goggles?
      Blue - it is a mandatory sign
5. Why would a tourist operator use yellow in their publications and logo?
      Because it is a sunny, happy colour

Thursday 3 March 2011

Today's Colour Theory Mini Test

Here are the questions and answers for today's mini test.

1. How do you make a shade of a colour?
By adding black or gray to the colour

2. Name a TERTIARY colour which contrasts with red
Yellow-Green or Blue-Green

3. Why would you use purple for a new box of chocolates?
Because it is a rich, luxurious colour and so people will associate it with luxury

4. State two advancing colours
From this list: red, orange, red-orange, yellow-orange, red-purple

5. Why would you use green for a garden centre sign?
Associated with nature, outdoors

6. What colour would you use for the new showers in the PE block?
Would accept white or blue.  Fresh, clean colours.

We will do more mini tests like this one to prepare for the colour theory NAB which I propose we sit in a few weeks time before Easter.


Pictorial Drawing 4 (Oblique) is due on 7th March

Pictorial Drawing 5 (Isometric) is due on 14th March