Tuesday 8 November 2011

Today's CAD and DTP Mini Test

Homework set: Pyramid Extension sheet 2  for 21/11/11

Today we did the following questions to revise for the CAD/DTP NAB on the 17th of November.

a) The ring/Polar array was used to draw the circles indicating where the numbers would be on the clock.  First a circle was drawn and then a polar array drawn duplicating this first circle 11 times with a space of 30 degrees between each duplicate around  central point.

b) The pattern fill was used to draw the diagonal pattern on the duplicated circles.

c) The dimension tool was used to show the linear dimension of the overall width of the clock.

d) The mirror tool was used to copy the detail at the bottom and make it an exact mirror image of the original.

e) The line tool was used to draw two hands.

f) A linear array was used to draw the four buttons under the clock.  First one rectangle was drawn and then duplicated 3 times with uniform distance between each duplicate.

a) Heading
b) Subheading
c) Imported Graphic
d) Caption
e) Gutter
f) Boxed out Text
g) Text Wrap
h) Folio

a) Quick and easy to make copies, Quick to make alterations/correct mistakes, More accurate measurements, Can use a library for common parts, Can easily send copies to different locations, Can store drawings in different locations
b) + Can test out different textures + Can use it in simulation/animation to demonstrate features + Easier to store  - Can't physically touch it - Can't interact with the model
c) You can watch an animation i.e. create a video clip demonstrating how a folding chair can be folded and unfolded.  You can interact with a simulation and test out different situations i.e. Load the folding chair with different people and objects to see how it could withstand each.

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