Wednesday 8 June 2011

DTP Work for your Presentation Folio

The double page spread you are working on is worth 6 marks of your final grade.  It is important that you get as close to 6 marks as you can!

They are looking for overall layout, use of columns of text and graphics, text features (i.e. text wrap, text along a path) and edited graphics (i.e. cropped images, edited images, images you have created yourselves.)

Paperwork you require to hand in by Friday 24th June
  1.  2/3/4 layout ideas, sketched on A4 paper (remember that you are creating two facing pages of A4 so this is half the size of your final article)
  2. The DTP planning sheet showing the ideas you have about magazine style and content
  3. An A3 exact drawing of the layout of your article with measurements which helps your final design
  4. A document outlining exactly how you created your piece of DTP, this should clearly state websites you used to find images/text, and what you did if you edited including the software you used to do this.  You could include screen snapshots to demonstrate what you did in a step by step manner.
  5. A print out of your double page spread