Monday 16 May 2011

DTP Mini Test 13/05/11

The mini test on Friday was reminding you of the DTP terminology we have been learning about when designing DeskTop Publishing articles.  You need to know these terms and why we use them so that when you design your own piece of DTP (worth 6 marks of your final Intermediate 2 grade) you can use them effectively to produce a professional looking piece of work.

1. Name the following DTP terms:
a) Column / Fully Justified Text
b) Footer / Folio
c) Text Wrap
d) Imported Graphic / Cropped Image
e) Heading
f) Gutter

2. What information would you expect to see included in feature b?
         Page numbers, magazine title,

3. What is the term for having one article spread over two facing pages?
         Double Page Spread

4. What is the area of the article where there is no text or graphics?
         White space

5. What page orientation is ONE page of this two page article?